It is usually nothing serious and also untreatable. Tinnitus is usually due to a small blood vessel that is coupled by fluid to your ear drum. In pulsatile tinnitus, people hear something resembling their heartbeat in their ear. Most tinnitus is due to damage to the cochlea (#9 above) They would perform hearing tests, check blood vessels, and probably order some sort of imaging tests like an ultrasound, mri, ct scan, mra, etcYour treatment would depend on the cause.Structures of the ear. You should address a doctor about this and have some proper exams. It may also happen when some of the blood vessels narrow, so the surrounding vessels need to carry more blood and this increased flow causes the noise or if arteries harden and blood does travel smoothly as it usually does and this turbulent flow may cause the noise. This may happen when blood flow in the body increases like it does during exercise or anemia. These vessels may be large arteries and veins in the neck and base of the skull and smaller ones in the ear itself. It has been found that this happens when the blood flow in the vessels near the ear alter. Pulsatile tinnitus is a disorder when you experience the noise sound with the heart beat and you may perceive it as a heartbeat. This sound may be perceived as whistling, ringing or maybe even machinery sound. Tinnitus is a disorder in which a person hears sound when nothing’s causing it externally (when there is no such sound). You guys may have problems with so called pulsatile tinnitus. Just try to live with the noise and ignore it.Your brain will one day just start ignoring it just like your eyes do when you look at your nose.You don't see it but if you look for it.its there.I have also talked with three other people that said even after a year,five years and also three years theirs just disappeared. It has been known to disappear as quickly as it came even after years.I hope mine doesn't but knowing that I have been checked out it makes me not worry so much.I hope this helps someone that reads this.Before going to the doctor I became depressed and started becoming more anxious almost to panic attack status.I read so many horrible things that I just knew it was.Which turned out that it wasn't.

Hi, Not sure this will help anyone.I went to three doctors including two ent specialist.Their findings were no ear infection ,no inner ear problems but the fact that I lost 30 pounds in two months had something to do with it according to one specialist.Its a condition that people get when they have lost or gained weight really fast,even ten pounds.Its called Patulous eustacain Tube.Its when you lose or gain padding in your inner ear that causes the ear drum to be closer to your arteries thus hearing the sound of your heartbeat in your ear.Also I have tmj with shifts the muscles of the nerves,tissue ,and arteries closer inside your inner ear causing the sound of your arteries to be more prevailent.I have had all the scans and all the test you can run.I have read that 40 percent of the world suffers from regular tinnitus.which are noises in the head such as whinning,high pitched squealing and machinery noises even my wife hears music,Which when she told me I thought she might be a little nuts but the found it on a site on the internet that says that some people hear music but most hear the inner most workings of the body.I have a friend that can detect high powered power lines from miles away and which direction they are in.It causes him major pain in the ears.So guess its not that uncommon.Getting back to what I was saying 40 percent suffer normal tinnitus which I have for over twenty years 17 percent of the world hear their pulse like we do and 7 percent of those are found with idioipathic symptoms are unknown causes.My doctor found nothing vasular wrong with me and asked me if I could live with it and I told him ,if I have lived with other noises for over 20 years I suppose I can learn to shut this out too.He said they could do invasive surgery if I just wanted them to ,possibly to find the cause but the surgery is more dangerous and can cause more damage than the sound can cause.What im saying is that in most cases you wont find the cause. ✔ Fact checked Facts in this answer are confirmed in relevant medical resources. ✔ Top answer This answer is chosen as the best answer by team of SteadyHealth medical experts.